Monday, 14 April 2014

tuna pasta bake an amazing recipe

Now a days we have lots of choice for our daily meals, but still its very difficult to choose the correct dish which gives every one the delicious taste as well as it do not contains harmful ingredient and it is a very healthy for everyone. specially in case of children its very difficult to provide them food which is very tasty for them and along with this very useful for their health.though its difficult still there are lots of variety that met above conditions, one of this is tuna pasta bake.

"Tuna pasta bake is a homey, simple, healthy and warming dish  with tomatoes, pasta, fish and a cheesy topping, which makes a fast and delicious dinner".

This recipe is an easy way to increase your family's fish intake which in return will keep you and your family totally healthy and prevent everyone from lots of diseases and make you immune for many diseases. more importantly now no parents have to worry about their kids because they also likes its yummy taste and it will not cause any harm to their health. It is also very easy to make and can be cook very fast almost in few minutes as most of its ingredient can be easily available at your kitchen. Tuna pasta bake is very nutritious as it contains large amount of proteins, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acid-which is very useful in prevention from heart attack and other heart related disease.

 It is low calories food so need to worry about fat and its also very helpful for Diabetic persons. It is possible to add additional vegetables, flavor, color and texture to your tuna for giving wonderful look and taste to your tuna pasta bake. In addition, you can also add sweet corn, mild flavor, supplies generous quantities of fiber, as well as vitamin C, manganese, phosphorus, protein, beta-carotene and certain types of vitamin B, protein and potassium.

Adding a stock cube into the pasta water provides it a bit of extra flavors. There are also different ways and styles to make up tuna pasta can be made in Italian style, tomato tuna pasta, mixed vegetable tuna pasta and lots of more variety, among these I feel to make it as simple with chopped tomatoes and can serve with tomato sauce and onion or garlic sauce. Tomato Tuna pasta bake will have lots of health advantage in compare to regular pasta, which is made from refined flour because it also prevents cardiovascular disease, diabetes and certain cancers. Also in addition, whole grain pasta contains higher levels of
protein, vitamins and minerals.

you can specially plan for any party on weekend and now no need to say you have a very good, tasty and healthy options to make your weekend wonderful and store it into your memory for very long time.

So lets have a yummy & healthy Tuna pasta bake tomato with friends and family and enjoy the precious day of our life.

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